THIS is it ……
How we ‘present’ ourselves
This moment, now, is where everything happens. Presence, in Biodynamic craniosacral therapy is a fundamental quality that we bring to the treatment session.
We work in the present moment because everything we have ever experienced and the way it has come to organise us is always showing up in the now. Every gesture and interaction we make, echoes the past, and are indications of unconscious assumptions we once made about ourselves in the world. And we bring them into the now, in order to ‘present’ ourselves as who we think we need to be.
The universe is alive
The emergence and then the falling away of everything, is an elementary dynamic in nature. This pattern is reflected in all things, as surely as the days come and go, the tides rise and fall, the in and the out of the breath, of the heart, and the arc of life of all living beings. Even the universe itself is compelled towards a gigantic majestic expansion until the same rhythmic undertow begins the collapse back to the singularity of it’s origin.
This rhythmic phenomenon is nested though, everything moves to the pulse of it’s own openings and closings whilst held within a larger system doing the same thing.
It’s a beautiful thing, to glimpse the understanding that the whole cosmos and everything in it is alive and breathing. Constantly emerging from and dissolving back into the mysterious reservoir of potentiality and possibility. Everything is recycled and made new, nothing is fixed.
To open or close
The present moment is special because the arising and falling dynamic happens at the same time. Each moment contains the emergent culmination of everything that has gone before and then it’s gone. Once we realise that those forces are always moving through us, we can practice to sense them. And then we can make a choice about which we adopt as a theme or reference for how we want to live within the arc of our own lives. Do we choose in this moment to open or to close?
What if?
Humans may be unique in the way we can ask the question – What if? The very fact we can ask that, means that we have some agency in the matter. As we bring self awareness to that question we can begin to see for ourselves how balanced we are in the bigger picture of our lives. We can sense when we truly need to close and also when we can open to connection and growth.
Held in safety
In a biodynamic craniosacral therapy session we work together in presence. we listen together to the patterns and stories that arise. Usually people come to see me because old patterns of belief and behaviour are limiting them in some way and have begun to cause distress and ill health. As we invite those narratives to come forward and live into the space between us, we can allow them to be held in a new context of relational safety.
When our systems can hold the memory of old experiences and the present moment at the same time and stay open and regulated, something transformative happens. Through a process called memory re consolidation, we instinctively re-contextualise and naturally let go of the embedded fear and adopt a new theme of life and love.
Everyone holds themselves together in a unique way, so the journey of finding presence, self awareness and relational safety unfolds differently too. As a therapist, all I do really is act as a guide and hold a secure and safe space for the work to happen – we always start where you are.
Please get in touch if you would like to do some work together.