What is Health?
In Biodynamic craniosacral therapy we think of health as the fundamental organising and activating field of life energy that flows through us – beginning with the moment of conception
We consider this field of energy to be intelligent. It carries the blueprint of us and guides our growth and development from a single cell all the way through to adulthood.
Inherent capacity to heal
This organising field doesn’t stop there though, it stays with us the whole of our lives in the form our our inherent capacity to heal. In Ideal circumstances, this incredible force of life guides us back to health and wholeness when we become ill or wounded – it never ever stops trying to do that.
Letting go of protective stories
However as we begin move through life and experience the inevitible accumulation of emotional and physical traumas, our systems have to adapt and compensate in order to survive. These patterns of protection and compensation can impair our connection to this field. This is what we experience in adulthood as poor mental and physical health - it’s dis-integration from the field of health.
As adults, we develop a capacity called agency and if we can be helped to recognise and connect with that, we will automatically take the wise action needed to let go of those old patterns and resonate again with the field of health in clarity.