What you think is what you feel is what you think.

I’ve been reading some interesting papers and listening to podcasts about mitochondrial health.

Mitochondria are the tiny components inside our cells that are responsible for (among many other things) creating all of the energy that we require to function.

There has been an explosion of new and fascinating research in this area over the last five to ten years.

It’s particularly interesting of course in relation to the disorders of mind and body like for example ME/CFS, chronic pain, fibromyalgia and post viral syndromes that are in part characterised by a debilitating fatigue and sense of energy loss.

The mitochondria are fascinating in so many ways but it has become clear that they are in direct communication with the immune and the psychological systems – they have to be because they are responsible for delivering energy everywhere all the time for everything!

New research by researchers Ellissa Epel and Martin Picard show that how you feel and how you perceive the world translates into how your mitochondria manage your energy.

Likewise, more new research by Dr Robert Naviaux has discovered a phenomenon he calls the ‘cell danger response’, whereby repeated traumas to the system eventually cause the mitochondria to close down energy production into emergency mode – until a level of safety is reinstated whereby the system can ‘boot up’, once more.

This he explains might give an explanation as to why people get locked into a spiral of fear and poor health - the system never finds a way to feel safe enough break out of the loop.

I’m particularly interested in how craniosacral therapy can help with this kind of problem because one of it’s most important aims is to restore a sense of integrity to the mind/body system.

Safety and wholeness in ourselves and our relationships is exactly what we are working to restore in our sessions. Restoring a true sense of safety is an inside job and with it’s return comes the energy for life.


Stillness and warmth


Changing your mind.